It Is Possible to Transmute It

March 10, 2020

I launched Sacredphrenia seven months ago, hoping to make a global impact on our collective understanding of "schizophrenia." So far, I've been able to work closely with seven clients all around the world (via phone and Skype) as a Mental Health Metamorphosis Coach, helping several of them improve their condition and helping one, whose testimonial you can read below, to transmute his condition entirely.

In a few days, I'll be flying to Maui to work with a young man who is struggling with severe psychosis and is just being released from a mental hospital. It's such an honor to be able to sit with these people who are each at different stages in this initiatory process I call sacredphrenia. I'm continually blown away by their depth and, most of all, by their humanity in the midst of such existential upheaval.

I'm more convinced than ever that what we perceive to be a "disorder" isn't a disorder at all. Rather, it's a profoundly complex yet natural psychospiritual development process that can lead to deeper psychic healing for the individual as well as for the community when allowed to run its course and when tempered with the right tools. I'm not just saying this because it's a warm and fuzzy idea and because I'm somewhat New Age in my philosophical orientation. No, I'm saying it because of lived experience - witnessing the magic that has unfolded in my own life as a result of transmuting this condition, and now seeing others do the same thing.

Below are a few of the testimonials I've received during the last several months:

"Before meeting you, I was constantly in a state of panic and my thoughts were kind of tormenting me and I was always paranoid about every situation that I found myself in. And even meeting people was a very terrifying experience. My experience of the world was completely horrific and yeah, with your guidance, I've been able to find my path and find my light out of the darkness that I was in. Yeah, I probably wouldn't have gotten to this stage if it wasn't for your help. Yeah, it is possible to reverse your sacredphrenia as you like to call it. It is possible to transmute it."

- One of my clients, who wishes to remain anonymous (stigmas be damned!)

"Every psych ward should have you hired. I don't think you realize because you're just it... this medicine doesn't exist elsewhere. It's such a loss. It's like having people birth babies with no doulas."

- Colleen Ericson, the mother of one of my clients

"You helped me have the courage to believe what I already felt I knew. Sacredphrenia is a miracle we have prayed for, at least I know I did. It would be silly to think I was the only one. I am so grateful for you and the people you help and will help and for how you helped and continue to help me. Thank you!!!"

- Brianna McKinney

Jacob Reid