Congratulations! You Have "Schizophrenia!"

December 30, 2019

How I imagine “diagnosis” will go in the future when our society has become more enlightened.

Funny word, “diagnosis.” I like to think of it more as a kind of “discrediting.” That’s right. Don’t be fooled by the elaborate terminology of the DSM or the endless variations of diagnostic labels. It’s another ostentatious display Western psychiatry puts on to compensate for a rotten core.

The truth is that you (or your loved one) are being discredited. What would have elevated you to a position of spiritual authority within your community had you been born in a previous era, in a culture that was still connected to nature’s principles, is now being levied against you in a full-scale assault on spirituality, and therefore, on life itself, for life DEPENDS upon spirituality.

We’re engaged in spiritual warfare, ladies and gentlemen! And most of us are unknowingly advancing the cause of the enemy in various ways. As R. D. Laing once said, “We are all murderers and prostitutes - no matter to what culture, society, class, or nation one belongs, no matter how normal, moral, or mature, one takes oneself to be.”

Of course many will read this and scoff. We have all been unknowingly drinking the Kool-Aid the mind police have been passing around to our most beloved institutions, infecting our thinking from the time we were young. They’re all in bed with each other: politicians, psychiatrists, chemical manufacturers, media moguls, university professors. It’s a revolving door that’s literally resulting in the decimation of culture and therefore nature.

We’ve created an entire multi-billion dollar industry whose mind-numbing drugs (known as pharmaceutical medications), discrediting ceremonies (known as psychiatric examinations), and imprisonment institutions (known as mental hospitals) invalidate millions of these people and prevent some very important inner explorations, as well as cultural conversations, from taking place.

Little do we realize we’re largely obstructing the spiritual development of these important men and women. Little do we realize we’re snuffing out shamans.

One need look no further than this quote by Roger Walsh to understand what I’m saying: “Western psychiatry has a long history of viewing mystics as madmen, saints as psychotics, and sages as schizophrenics. And this in spite of the fact that saints and sages may represent the heights of human development and have had the greatest impact on human history.”

The drug-based disease model of “schizophrenia” and related “disorders” clearly isn’t working. It is NOT eradicating the rising epidemic of spiritual and physical torment most of these people are experiencing. It is NOT addressing the various root causes. It is only kicking the can down the road. It is only desensitizing people to their very instructive pain and enriching a handful of patent owners and pill pushers at society’s expense.

It’s time to replace such a laughably deficient model with a living, breathing model that takes into account the soul of the person who is suffering, the very real damage they have accrued as a result of living in a chemical-based, rat race society, a series of practical solutions that can address this damage, and the needs of society to have these people reinstated as our cultural caretakers.

Am I advocating in this post that anyone get off of their pharmaceutical medications? Of course not! I recognize that there is a time and a place for medication, especially when a person is in crisis, because we don’t yet HAVE the structures set up en masse to support these people in the more civilized way I am envisioning (you know, one that involves confetti and gut healing and trauma release and detoxification and shamanic initiation, etc.) although there are many wellness practitioners who are offering these alternatives.

I encourage you to do your own research. You should always consult with a qualified medical professional if you want to learn more about the long-term effects of many of these drugs or are considering lowering your dose or tapering off, preferably a professional such as Dr. Kelly Brogan who leans toward the more holistic end of the spectrum. Such a decision would need to be part of a comprehensive strategy to address the various root causes of your condition. I would be happy to share more of my thoughts if you would like to schedule a one-on-one consultation with me sometime. Keep in mind that I am NOT practicing medicine.

I hope my writing made you slightly uncomfortable today.

Jacob Reid