Where Were You During the Great Quiet of 2020?

March 31, 2020

Where were you during the Great Quiet of 2020?

Did you go within? When all of civilization turned into a ghost town, did you curb your Netflix addiction and journey into the alone?

There is no better time.

Has it sunk in for you how unprecedented this is, how “once in 500 years” it is that so much outward human activity has come to a standstill? The world-devouring machine has decreased its speed more suddenly in the last two weeks than practically at any previous point in centuries.

I like to think we’re all in “planetary destruction” rehab right now.

It can’t be any accident that this is happening during a year many astrologers predicted would be “epoch-making.” The last time Saturn and Pluto conjoined in Capricorn, for instance, was in 1518 when Martin Luther kicked off the great Protestant Reformation, which dramatically restructured the power dynamics of Europe and facilitated an environment of democratic free thinking that led to the Renaissance and the world as we know it today.

The coronavirus is bitter medicine, but one that is needed. It has already opened a window of life-altering self-reflection for many of us. What kind of world do we want to live in? How about one that prioritizes robust, local, biodynamic systems over fragile, conglomerate, sociopathic economics? After the dust settles, such a vision may seem less like a pipe dream and more like a practical necessity.

I recognize that not everyone can afford to be so reflective at a time like this. I feel sorrow for those whose lives have been upended by this event, and we are only in the beginning stages. I feel empathy for my fellow sacredphrenics whose paranoia has increased as a result of all of this. I, myself, was once deathly afraid of contracting certain infectious diseases.

Having developed a more non-dual perspective, I can see the gifts embedded within this crisis. I sense that it will renew us psychologically, that we will emerge from this collective initiation a stronger, more self-aware species.

One of the most important things we can do during this time is to become aware of the insidious psychological virus I describe in this video, an altogether separate pandemic most of us are completely unaware of, then take steps to immunize ourselves against it.

One thing is for certain: there's no going back to business as usual after this.

May you find peace in the new paradigm that is emerging. Please reach out if you are struggling.

Jacob Reid