Rome Wasn't Built in a Day

August 8, 2020

Starting a health coaching biz for “schizophrenics” during a global meltdown feels an awful lot like trying to land a Boeing 747 during a hurricane.

Seriously, am I in an absurdist novel? Kafka, is that you? Could you cool it with the surrealism? A lot of people are grappling enough with their mental health as is. They don’t need any more rude surprises…

I swear to God, if Kanye becomes president, I’m moving to a parallel universe.

In all honesty, I’ve taken a step back from the business side of Sacredphrenia. The sluggish economy tanked my sales and I had to adapt. Don’t worry, the revolution isn’t going anywhere. It’s only gestating.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, remember?

I’m actually feeling really grateful for this opportunity to go back to the drawing board. Prepping for Phase 2 of Sacredphrenia, which will unfold in 2021. There are dozens of books on my reading list, countless online courses and trainings to attend, and hundreds of new people on my radar, many of whom are bona fide magicians.

What, did you think we weren’t going to find each other? Here at the turning of the ages? Who else do you think is gonna wake humanity up? It’s always been the psychiatric nonconformists. We’ve always been the Myth-Makers, the ones who create new, living stories people can rally behind.

You see, society looks to the shamans, the poets, the mystics—the story-healers—for meaning and spiritual sense-making. The deeper the meaning crisis, the deeper the need for mental health misfits who have cured themselves, for they have truly found “some creative way out, a way not already known,” as Jungian analyst Marie-Louise von Franz once put it. She called them “healing heroes,” men and woman who do not follow ordinary patterns, for they “cannot be cured by the usual methods of healing.”

The sacredphrenic is forced to go deep. And once you go deep, you never go back.

Next week, I’ll be going deep once again, this time in the form of a 21-day water fast. Then it’s back onto a primarily raw vegan diet, which I haven’t attempted in years but have good reason to believe it’s what my body and spirit need at this time.

The goal is to finally get off the antihistamine medication, digestive enzymes, and Betaine HCl I’ve taken before every meal for the last four years. Thanking these compounds for the role they’ve played propping up my digestion after I lost my digestive fire due to intense psychospiritual stress. Now I plan to free myself of this dependency.

All this coaching has made me hyperaware of my weak spots, the places where I leak power and therefore am not operating at full capacity. I’m more committed than ever to my own, not to mention our, physical/metaphysical development.

Won’t you join me in flipping the script, showing this world what we sacredphrenics are really made of? I promise, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Blessed are the weird, for they shall inherit the New Earth.

Blessed Are the Weird.jpg
Jacob Reid