✨ Coming 2022 - Sacredphrenia School ✨

Everyone’s secretly been hoping Harry Potter’s a true story. Well, turns out it is.

Introducing my most ambitious undertaking yet, a comprehensive online course featuring 5 modules and 15 videos, covering topics ranging from “Sacred Psychology” to “Energetic Hygiene” to “Trauma Transmutation” and everything in between.

I’ve been researching the true causes of “schizophrenia” for 10 years. In that time, I’ve discovered a number of things that, if adopted en masse, will change the face of this so-called mental illness.

After working with dozens of sacreds and witnessing some remarkable improvements, I’m convinced that widespread transmutation is not only possible, it’s inevitable.

It’s possible for seemingly ordinary Muggles to become wizards… or should I say… “schizards.” AKA shamans. 

I’ve decided to temporarily take a break from further one-on-one coaching to pour the majority of my energy into the creation of this course. Going deep into research/video creation mode. Please know that I’m available if you’re really struggling. Just know I might not be as active on social media.

Nothing excites me more than being on the front lines of this resistance and pulling my fellow sacreds out from the cupboard under the stairs.

We need you in full fighting form. There are “Death Eaters” afoot. It’s up to us to prevent the dark forces from destroying this planet.

To join the waiting list for Sacredphrenia School, visit https://sacredphrenia.lpages.co/sacredphrenia-school-waiting-list/.

You're a Schizard, Harry - Active Campaign.jpg
Jacob Reid