When the Wim Hof Breathing Kicks In

April 18, 2020

Are you familiar with the Wim Hof Method? Wim Hof, AKA "The Iceman," is famous for developing a breathing technique that has helped him claim 26 world records, including the Guinness World Record for longest ice bath (1 hour, 52 minutes, and 42 seconds).

Wim Hof believes his method has therapeutic value for those suffering from severe mental health challenges. He once said, “I can bring people back to tranquility. Schizophrenia and multiple-personality disorder draw away people's energy. My method can give them back control.” Part of Wim’s passion to relieve such people's suffering derives from his own’s wife’s suicide, which took place after she began showing signs of “schizophrenia.”

Disclaimer: in this video, I make light of the non-ordinary states of consciousness that can emerge when the Wim Hof Method is pushed to its limit, which can resemble the Holotropic Breathwork designed by Dr. Stanislov Grof. Be aware that the Wim Hof Method and other forms of breathwork can be dangerous if done improperly. If you’re planning on trying the Wim Hof Method, start slow and follow Wim’s exact guidelines. Do your own research in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.

Sean Blackwell of Bipolar Awakenings has shown that such forms of breathwork can have therapeutic value for those suffering from psychosis, especially when performed in the company of a professional sitter.

I agree that the method has therapeutic value, which is why I’ve returned to it repeatedly over the last four years and, of course, why I made this video. I experienced a profound state of consciousness during the filming of this video and the background film very much reflects the quality of my inner experience.

May all beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering.

Jacob Reid