It's Time to Bring Om Into the Asylums

What if your deepest hell contains the seed of your liberation?

Imagine taking what plagues you most and flipping it on its head, so your nightmare becomes your blessing.

I’m asking you to think big. Think beyond diagnosis. Think beyond stigma.

My mission is to remind us of something we’ve forgotten: “schizophrenia” is a spiritual teacher.

Think Plato’s cave allegory meets One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Think the world’s wisdom traditions pouring into psych wards. Think “schizophrenics” rejecting their diagnoses in favor of something much more profound.

I’m proposing nothing less than a paradigm shift in the way we approach this condition.

Imagine the cultural healing that will take place when we quit pathologizing one of our central connections to the spirit realm.

Imagine we give our “psychotics” the resources they need to accept their summons as healers and go through proper initiatory processes.

Imagine thousands of people removing multi-generational trauma.

What would that do for us as a society? What if the solution to some of our problems lies in empowering the very people we've written off as mad?

Imagine yourself vibrating at such a high level, people are stunned to learn you were once ill.

Imagine the gift you will bring forth.

Jacob Reid