The Real Wise Crazy 😎

October 28, 2019

When I was diagnosed with "paranoid schizophrenia" in 2011, I never imagined that I would heal, let alone that one day I would be making silly rap videos!

But such is the psychospiritual development process that I call "sacredphrenia." Cutting-edge alternative psychiatrists such as R.D. Laing, John Weir Perry knew about this. They viewed psychosis as an attempt on the part of the unconscious to heal the psyche, eventually (key word: eventually - it took me years of trial and error experimenting with alternative modalities) resulting in a psychologically healthier human being. Laing and Perry went so far as to believe that our "schizophrenics," when initiated properly, could become some of the change-makers our society so desperately needs in order to transcend our species' spiritual crisis.

Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell, among many others, also appreciated the mystical component of what we call "schizophrenia," what most indigenous societies view as initiatory in nature, provided they receive the proper guidance they need. Such a view stands in direct opposition to the purely brain-based medical model that has infected our culture.

I invite you to enjoy my parody (I have the parody license to do so freely) of a music video that is so emblamatic of the undeveloped perspective we have regarding mental illness. And to all you other Wise Crazies out there who are in the brutal process of awakening, my advice to you is to keep going!!! There is, in fact, a light at the end of the tunnel. I know because I'm traveling through it. And it is more beautiful than words can describe. Healing is indeed possible. ✨💓✊

Jacob Reid