
Whatsup, internet! I’m Jacob. I’m a spiritual sorta dude. I recite mantras to Jupiter and draw oracle cards and all that shnazz. When Jehovah’s Witnesses come to my door, I tend to engage them in theological discussions.

But what I’m really working on is being more HERE-itual. It’s my new word to describe being HERE. In the flesh. Embodied.

You see, it’s all too easy for our spirits to flee our bodies when we experience the horrors of the world. 🙈

What’s hard, what’s admirable, is to be fully incarnate when you’ve seen some shit.

I disagree with Jordan Peterson on a lot of things, but I heard him ask this question once and it really stuck with me: “What would you be like if you had the courage to be fully embodied?”

Imagine that for a second. Imagine what a force you would be if you were no longer split off from your core self. Imagine if you could delete all the reactive lies you tell yourself that are preventing you from really participating in this world.

How different would this world be if you were able to offer your gift at 100% capacity?

The answer is it would be unrecognizable. ⚡️🌎⚡️

But that begs the question, how does one do this? How does one experience the horrors of the world and not dissociate, not split off, as we sacredphrenics (i.e. sensitive souls) are wont to do?

How do you ground down when the earth beneath your feet has been polluted? 🤢 In more esoteric terms, how do you keep your lower chakras open in a world that isn’t safe?

These are questions I’ve grappled with for some time. I’ll likely spend my whole life trying to answer them.

But I’m excited to say I’ve made some key discoveries in this domain. And I’m becoming more HERE-itual as a result. All the time, I find myself becoming increasingly embodied.

I aim to help my clients do the same thing as part of my 4-month coaching program (book a free 1-hour session with me to learn more. Link on the Home page). Detoxify, resolve trauma, release energetic blockages, integrate shadow, become more embodied.

It’s a formidable task but an essential one if we are to wrest our planet back from the powers that be. ✊

Jordan Peterson says that the fully incarnate human being is the messiah. Quite an idea. The Christ took the sins of the world onto himself. This means he was able to fully embrace the horrors of the world and integrate them, transmute them.

This is our task. To become more Christ-like. To experience suffering and to have the courage to remain fully embodied.

Guess what, people? We’re the ones we’ve been waiting for. So, let’s get fucking to it! ❤️🌞✝️💡🔌

Jacob Reid